Piplia's new Bible course guides you through the Bible via the major themes of life

The Finnish Bible Society’s new Bible course guides participants through the Bible via the major themes of life. In the Finnish Bible Society’s Bible course, participants can dive into the Bible whenever, wherever, and however they want. We wanted to make studying the Bible meaningful and effortless. It goes with participants on their phone or tablet, even on the bus. Guided immersion in the Bible has never been easier.

One theme at a time

“When I could no longer love myself, I gave Jesus permission to love through me,” says singer Virpi Kätkä about love. Love is one of the themes of the Bible course.

The Bible course consists of seven themes: freedom, love, trust, compassion, humanity, power, and justice.

The course offers various perspectives on the Bible, including personal reflections on life’s big fundamental questions, as well as informational content about the books of the Bible, their world, and their usage today.

Participants can complete the themes and sections in any order they choose: the service tracks their progress.

Companions on the journey

Participants are not alone on their journey. Four companions from different denominations walk with them: Marjut “Maikki” Mulari (Lutheran), Jake Lindqvist (Evangelical Lutheran Church), Tommi Ahonen (Orthodox), and Anna-Riina Hakala (Catholic).

The companions share their thoughts on the content of the Bible course through videos. In the end, however, no one interprets the Bible for the participants – it is their task to do so in a way that is closest to them.

The Finnish Bible Society’s Bible course is ecumenical, meaning its content does not reflect the emphasis of any specific denomination or revival movement. Participants can explore the Bible’s texts in the way that best suits them. The course also includes interviews with experts from various fields as well as ordinary Bible users.

The background of the Bible course lies in a survey conducted by the Finnish Bible Society two years ago, asking how people would like to deepen their understanding of the Bible today. The survey revealed that people do not seek ready-made answers from the Bible, but, above all, a conversation partner for life’s fundamental questions. There was a desire for Bible study both in congregational settings and for independent, self-paced learning. This need gave rise to the Bible course, which was initially launched in group form for congregations and is now available as an individual version on phones.

The Bible course is currently available in Finnish in the Finnish Bible Society’s online store.